I am very much taken with her, which causes Rubinstein to be a perfect nuisance. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for nuisance on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Words related to nuisance blister , bore , bother , botheration , bum , creep , drag , drip , exasperation , frump , gadfly , headache , inconvenience , infliction , insect , irritant , irritation , louse , nag , nudge.
A nuisance that is very dangerous, or in some other way beyond conventional bounds of acceptability and risk, one that has certainty. A nuisance that affects private ownership interests. See attractive nuisance doctrine. A nuisance that interferes with public interests, including those in health, safety, and transportation. A minor annoyance or inconvenience. A nuisance that may easily be repaired or avoided. A potentially dangerous element or entity on real property that may attract people, especially children, to use it to their own harm; for example, a swimming pool.
Origin of nuisance. From Anglo-Norman nusaunce , nussance etc. Weeds are a nuisance to the gardener. Synonyms What is an attractive nuisance? Synonyms for nuisance Synonyms annoyance , annoyer , bother , gadfly , gnawer , nudnik also nudnick , pain , persecutor , pest , tease , teaser Visit the Thesaurus for More. What is an attractive nuisance? Examples of nuisance in a Sentence the new neighbor is threatening to become a nuisance , dropping in on us several times a day folding up this map correctly is such a nuisance.
Recent Examples on the Web An absolute nuisance down low due to his nonstop energy attacking the glass. First Known Use of nuisance 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. Learn More About nuisance.
Time Traveler for nuisance The first known use of nuisance was in the 15th century See more words from the same century. Phrases Related to nuisance make a nuisance of oneself. Style: MLA. Kids Definition of nuisance. Legal Definition of nuisance.
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