What is the average super balance

You may also be eligible for a Government Co-contribution. Learn more about that here. Although you are above the amount suggested, sitting with a financial planner could assist in creating a strategy around your future!

Our planners do not work for commissions, and can assist you with maximising your superannuation. If you want to talk to us, we are always available.

Call us , email us or use Facebook messenger. Contact us. Our best performing mixed asset - balanced superannuation fund in , according to FE Analytics. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. Join as a member Join as a pensioner Join as an employer Refer friends and family. Grow your super Basics of super Fees and costs Insurance Nominating a beneficiary.

Our pension options Centrelink aged pension When can I retire? Investment returns Investment basics Your investment choices Unit prices. Financial planning Child pages. Our financial advice team.

Face to face personal advice Over the phone personal advice. Calculators Child pages. You then want to calculate how much income that super balance can provide you with throughout retirement. This is your starting point. Related article: How much super do I need to retire? An employer is required to make superannuation guarantee SG payments to employees on at least a quarterly basis.

Related article: Superannuation Employer Contributions. There are a number of ways to boost your super. This can be done through additional super contributions, reviewing your superannuation investments or reducing your super fund fees.

Types of additional contributions include salary sacrifice contributions, personal concessional contributions and personal non-concessional contributions.

If you want my team and I to help with your retirement planning, click here. Are you lagging behind, or are you ahead of the curve? Average Super Balance By Age. Average Super Balance At Retirement. Hi, I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for stopping by - Chris. Accessed 17 September The Chant West data is based on information provided by third parties that is believed to be accurate.

Chant West does not issue, sell, guarantee, or underwrite this product. Only administration and investment fees and costs are covered. Fees are gross of income tax.

Go to chantwest. Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product.

Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings uses objective criteria and receives a fee for publishing awards. Visit superratings. All rights reserved. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. Personal Employers Advisers. Products Why QSuper. Investment options. Financial advice. Compare us. More reasons to join.

Grow your super Salary sacrifice Super co-contribution Voluntary contributions Spouse contributions Contribution caps Tax deductions. Consolidate your super. Find your lost super. Changing jobs. Nominate beneficiaries. Early access.

Seminars and education. Why retire with QSuper. How much super do you need to retire. Access your super When can you access your super Withdraw your super.

Award winning. Find out more. Performance Overview Graphs Unit prices. Online investment advice. Compare options. Change your investment options. How QSuper invests.


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