Survival response after 30 minutes of treatment with 0. When the treatment is performed in the presence of O 6 -BzGua significantly increased DSB are detected at both 4 and 24h recovery. To facilitate comparisons, the levels of persisting DSBs at 4 and 24h post-treatment times normalized for the level detected immediately after treatment for all experimental conditions are presented in Figure 3C and 3D , respectively.
Dot plot shows tail moment per cell. DSB repair in clone 28 at 4h and 24h recovery time B. Levels of persisting DSB at 4h post-treatment normalized for the level detected immediately after treatment. Levels of persisting DSB at 24h post-treatment normalized for the level detected immediately after treatment. To further analyze this phenomenon, colony survival assays were performed next with 6-TG. Interestingly, here we show that a fraction of these lethal events is mediated by MLH1 since its silencing partially relieves the toxic effects of MMS.
In the absence of the toxic effect of N-alkylpurines, the treatment with 6-TG allows us to identify a similarly protective effect mediated by MLH1 down-regulation. This phenomenon is expected to involve O 6 -MeGua lesions. The levels of persistent DSBs at 4 and 24h post-treatment times normalized for the level detected immediately after treatment for all experimental conditions are presented in Figure 6C and 6D , respectively.
These DSB require two rounds of replication to be produced [ 27 ] thus explaining their late detection at 24h post-treatment time.
No effect of the different pattern of DSB repair on cell cycle were detected supplementary Figure S2. This is consistent with their reduction when depleting factors involved in MMR i. In the absence of MLH1 homologous recombination is expected to take place thus alleviating the DSB-driven lethality [ 31 — 32 ]. Figure 8: Hypothetical model for DSB formation. More recently, BER hijacking by MMR has been invoked as a mechanism to account for increased mutations following processing of BER lesions and depleting factors involved in MMR resulted in a reduction of the mutational load [ 35 — 36 ].
However, if MMR is also defective, this will lead invariably to increased alkylation resistance. From these studies, we suggest that both MMR and BER status should be investigated to tailor therapy in the treatment of gastric cancer. Human gastric tissue collection and their DNA repair gene expression profiling has been previously described [ 23 ]. Gene expression data were analysed by principal component analysis PCA. The difference in gene expression between tumor and normal gastric tissues was evaluated using as the calibrator sample a pool of mRNA from normal gastric tissues.
Low-density gene expression data were submitted to PCA by using as rows statistical units the samples and as columns variables the different gene expression levels.
The axes of this derived space are called principal components and are each other independent by construction [ 37 ]. This was achieved by operating a correlation on the transformed variables:. Empty vectors were used as control. Cell lines were developed by lentiviral transduction, stable integration and selection. Forty-eight hours after transfection, lentivirus-containing supernatant was collected and passed through 0.
AGS recombinant cell lines were seeded at low density, depending on cloning efficiency of each cell line, onto mm dishes in triplicate for each dose tested. In the case of 6-TG, the cells were incubated with the drug for 7 days. Then cells were processed as described above. Colonies containing 50 or more cells were counted. At least three independent experiments were performed for each agent.
The occurrence of DNA double-strand breaks was evaluated by neutral Comet assay as previously described [ 40 ]. A minimum of cells was analyzed for each experimental point.
Apoptotic cells smaller comet head and extremely larger comet tail were excluded from the analysis to avoid artificial enhancement of the tail moment. At least two independent experiments were performed. Cells were processed for flow cytometry as follows: after fixation, cells were exposed to acid denaturation 2 N HCl , neutralization buffer 0. The authors thank Dr. RWS is a scientific consultant for Trevigen, Inc.
RWS is an Abraham A. The remaining authors state that there is no conflicts of interest. Errors in DNA replication as a basis of malignant changes. Cancer Res. GTBP, a kilodalton protein essential for mismatch-binding activity in human cells. Usually, the three proteins in the E.
On the other hand, eukaryotes contain only the homologous of MutS and MutL. Then, the newly-synthesized strand is degraded, removing the mismatch by the action of EXO1. After that, resynthesis of DNA and ligation complete the mismatch. That is; this pathway detects nucleotides and modifies with bulky chemical groups attached to DNA such as chemicals in cigarette smoke. Here, UV radiation makes thymine and cytosine bases to react with their adjacent nucleotides.
However, the resultant bonds distort the double helix, causing errors in DNA replication. Here, the most common type of these bonds are the thymine dimers, consisting of two thymine nucleotides reacted together. Figure 2: Nucleotide Excision Repair. Moreover, the two subpathways of nucleotide excision repair are global genome repair GGR , which repair damages in the overall genome, and transcription-coupled repair TCR , which specifically repair the transcribed strand of active genes.
The most distinguished feature of nucleotide excision repair is that it repairs the modified nucleotide damages caused by significant distortions in the DNA double helix. It is observed in almost all organisms that have been examined up to date. The genes encoded for aforementioned polypeptides are uvr A, uvr B, uvr C. Uvr A and B enzymes collectively recognize the damage induced distortion that is caused to the DNA double helix such as pyrimidine dimmers due to UV irradiation.
Uvr A is an ATPase enzyme and this is an autocatalytic reaction. This leaves a gap in the DNA helix. After damaged segment has been excised, a nucleotide gap remains in the DNA strand.
ATP is required at three steps of this reaction. The NER mechanism can be identified in the mammalian-like humans as well.
The mismatch repair system is initiated during DNA synthesis. Mismatch repair proteins recognize this nucleotide, excise it and replace it with the correct nucleotide responsible for the final degree of accuracy. DNA methylation is pivotal for MMR proteins to recognize the parent strand from the newly synthesized strand.
The methylation of adenine A nucleotide in a GATC motif of a newly synthesized strand is a little delayed. On the other hand, the parent strand adenine nucleotide in GATC motif has already methylated. MMR proteins recognize the newly synthesized strand by this difference from the parent strand and start mismatch repair in a newly synthesized strand before it gets methylated. The MMR proteins direct their repair activity to excise the wrong nucleotide before the newly replicated DNA strand gets methylated.
Mut S protein recognizes seven out of eight possible mismatch base pairs except for C:C, and binds at the site of mismatch in the duplex DNA. The complex translocates few thousand base pairs away till it finds a hemimethylated GATC motif. Then the same strand on the other side of the mismatch is nicked by Mut H. A similar system can be identified in mice and humans. These are collectively named as DNA repair mechanisms.