What is the significance of the feast of weeks

The Gospels demonstrate how Jesus the Messiah fulfills the prophetic promises of the Hebrew Scriptures. The drama of the Last Supper is a most vivid example, as Jesus reveals Himself to be the true and all-sufficient Passover sacrifice.

Now, as the story continues in the Book of Acts, we see how the close connection between Passover and Shavuot is preserved through the ministry of the Messiah. And so, it is fitting that Luke should take up the story again at roughly this point in the Book of Acts. We have seen how Shavuot commemorates the harvest and the revelation of the Torah. Now, in the Book of Acts, we find it is the occasion upon which the Holy Spirit was first given. Peter, who such a short time before had been paralyzed with fear, now preached the Gospel with boldness and authority.

And what was the result of his Spirit-filled words? Another kind of harvest had begun-a harvest of souls for the Kingdom. However, these two festivities are both the same. This festivity is held as a means of thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest season.

It also signifies the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian church. Pentecost is a joyful festivity which is celebrated 50 days after Passover. All Jewish males without disabilities are required to participate in the Pentecost.

The other major feasts of the Jews are the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. The story of the Pentecost is derived from the Holy Scriptures. Jesus had told his disciples 40 days before his ascension that they should go to Jerusalem since the Holy Spirit would come on a Jewish holiday. Jesus assured them that they would not be left abandoned.

While they were praying, tongues of fire descended and rested over their heads. This was the actions of the Holy Spirit, signifying that they could go out and proclaim the words of Jesus Christ. For this special festivity, red is considered as its liturgical color. The red color symbolizes the tongues of fire which descended from heaven. It also symbolizes the great deeds of several martyrs who shed their blood.

Pentecost is also called the Jewish Feast of Weeks because it describes the time span of the harvest celebration which includes the grain harvest, barley harvest, and wheat harvest. The children of Israel are also important on this occasion. Community: the giving of the Law taught the Jewish people how to relate to one another as well as to God. Customs The Ten Commandments are read to commemorate the giving of the Law. Some Jewish people stay up all night studying the Torah Law to "re-live" the revelation at Mount Sinai.

A 12th century Aramaic poem, Akdamut , which heralds the Messianic future, is read. Jewish people traditionally decorate their homes and synagogues with flowers and greens.

An older tradition prescribes that two loaves of leavened bread be baked; some say they represent all of humanity one loaf is the Jewish people, the other Gentiles , while others see them as representing the two tablets Moses brought down from Sinai. It is traditional to eat milk products, because the rabbis say that when our people received the Law they were as newborn babies. Shavuot in the New Testament see Acts 2 The giving of the gospel: God's grace revealed through the Living Word When the Holy Spirit came to the disciples in tongues of flames and they began speaking other languages, they were preaching the gospel of Jesus to God-fearing Jews who had come to Jerusalem from every nation under heaven to observe Shavuot at the Temple.

The Resurrection connection: King David and Yeshua Peter seemed to know the tradition that King David was born and died on Shavuot as he gave his sermon.

He used the prophecies of David in the Psalms to speak of the resurrection of Jesus, the Son of David. Prophecy fulfilled Peter pointed out to the crowd that what they were witnessing was a fulfillment of prophecy from the book of Joel Joel An experience of revelation and community A mighty revelation occurred that day as 3, Jewish people understood the truth of Peter's words and became followers of Jesus.


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