Though it has several characteristics of a developed nation, including the largest economy in South America or Central America, Brazil is still considered a developing country due to its lower GDP per capita, higher infant mortality rate, and other factors.
Canada is a developed country. As the 10th-largest world economy on the basis of GDP, Canada has a diverse economic base. China is a developing country.
Despite having the world's second-largest economy and the single largest military, China is still not classified as a developed country by the criteria of most organizations. France is a developed country. The French Republic is one of the world's economic powerhouses. As of , France has the seventh-largest economy by GDP. The French government has partially or fully privatized many prominent companies, though it maintains a strong presence in its power, public transport, and defense sectors.
Germany is a developed country. Driven by its highly skilled labor force, Germany is Europe's strongest economy , and it is the fourth-largest economy in the world. All Germans must belong to a not-for-profit sickness fund that covers most necessary medical procedures and medications.
Just 0. India is a developing country. Although India is an exceptionally wealthy country ranked fifth in terms of overall GDP , like China, its high population results in a rather low GDP per capita. Thanks to a large and well-educated English-speaking population, India is a major exporter of IT services, business outsourcing services, and software workers.
Indonesia is a developing country. The Republic of Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim-majority country and Southeast Asia's largest economy. The nation's key exports include rubber, animal and vegetable fat, mineral fuels, machinery, electrical machinery, and mechanical appliance parts. Italy is a developed country. Italy's manufacturing industry is very well developed, and it is ranked seventh on Earth according to the World Economic Forum. Japan is a developed country. Despite its smaller size compared to other economically healthy countries, such as Germany or France, Japan is the third wealthiest nation on Earth in terms of overall GDP.
Mexico is a developing country. Mexico's development status is despite the fact that it exceeds the majority of its peers in the developing world on most economic and quality-of-life metrics. In fact, as of , Mexico's economy wasn't heavily reliant on agriculture, at just 3. A life expectancy of 75 years since birth, as of , ranks Mexico higher than most developing countries, but it still falls below its North American neighbors.
The Netherlands is a developed country. This nation demonstrates relative strength across all the metrics and combines a robust economy with a high standard of living for the majority of its residents.
Although the country is below average in environmental quality, the health and life expectancy for residents are in line with other developed countries. Nigeria is a developing country. The Federal Republic of Nigeria's GDP is far too low, as are the country's living standards, for it to be considered a developed nation. Poland is a developed country.
Russia is a country in transition. Russia is not currently classified as a developed country, though it once reigned alongside the United States as a world superpower. As is typical of a non-developed country, the exportation of natural resources fuels much of Russia's economy. Its infant mortality rate is five per 1,, while life expectancy is 73 years since birth, below the global average of Saudi Arabia is a developing country. On a purely monetary level, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is rather successful when compared to other developing countries.
It was the largest economy in the Middle East in terms of GDP in ; however, its economy lacks diversification. South Korea is a developing country. The country has a strong GDP and offers its citizens widespread access to quality healthcare and higher education.
That said, the country is reliant on exports and is currently facing other major challenges, such as an aging population and low worker productivity. Spain is a developed country. Nearly all organizations that analyze development status classify Spain as such. Sweden is a developed country. Sweden is one of the most highly developed post-industrial societies in the world. Sweden's life expectancy—now at nearly 83 years since birth—increased by eight years between and , while infant mortality has dropped from seven deaths per 1, live births to two during the same period.
Switzerland is a developed country. According to the World Bank, of countries listed for , Switzerland had the fourth highest GDP per capita and the highest of any country on this list. Thailand is a developing country. The Kingdom of Thailand is the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia. About two-thirds of the country's GDP is derived from exports of electronics, agricultural commodities, automobiles and parts, processed foods, and other goods.
More recently, pro-democracy protests have been ongoing since Feb. Turkey is a developing country. Turkey is perhaps the best example of a country that straddles the line between developed and developing. In the past, the UN has classified it as a developed country. Today, most groups, including Turkey itself, agree on the country's status as a developing nation. The United Kingdom is a developed country. The U. The United States is a developed country.
United Nations. Accessed May 21, International Monetary Fund. The World Bank. Open Textbook Library. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U. For Russia, priority areas of cooperation are health, food security, agriculture, human development, education, and institutional capacity building. Russia has strengthened its global role through extended commitment to multilateral development mechanisms.
Since , Russia has steadily increased its assistance to the International Development Association IDA and has supported a number of global development initiatives by contributing to various multilateral agencies, including trust funds administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD. A Trust Fund TF is a financing arrangement established with contributions from one or more external donors or partners and, in some cases, from the World Bank Group, to support development-related activities including capacity building.
Open full version of the infographic PDF. Also Russia, alongside with other donors for international development assistance, contributed to a number of important global initiatives, including debt relief for the most heavily indebted countries and fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
Russian trust funds finance activities such as technical assistance, training, peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, and the development of toolkits and methodologies. The trust fund uses multiple approaches to strengthen policy and project development capacity. Objective: to provide flexible financing for Africa to respond to the economic and social impacts across sectors, including supporting the building of resilient health systems, in light of the unprecedented Ebola outbreak in Africa.
Objective: to strengthen the linkages between social protection and nutrition by bridging the two sectoral agendas through supporting the development of nutrition-sensitive social protection labor systems in the World Bank client countries. Objective: The primary program development objective is to help strengthen debt management capacity and institutions in DMF II eligible countries as defined in the Charter.
The DMF provides capacity building to support growth and poverty reduction in eligible developing countries by strengthening their capacity to manage debts effectively. Objective: This initiative will leverage past work done by the Bank with partner institutions in areas of systems development, data collection and capacity building leading to a better understanding and greater cooperation between the organizations ITC and UNCTAD and eliminate duplication of effort.
The end goal is creation of a public good trade system that will enable countries identify new trade opportunities and become more open by freeing up trade restrictions. Objective: To address the capacity and financial constraints of the statistical systems of countries in Eastern Europe and the CIS region.
Objective: To improve the quality and speed of project preparation in low income countries of ECA region. Objective: To support improvements in public financial management in Europe and Central Asia ECA , with emphasis on IDA borrowing countries, as an important element of stronger governance and improved conditions for economic and social development in ECA. Objective: To facilitate regional exchange of knowledge and experience among the countries of the ECA region on public expenditure management PEM based on the principles of peer assisted learning, and using benchmarking as a tool to stimulate capacity building and the development of network of peers, with a particular focus on IDA countries Active.
Objective: To meet the immediate practical operational knowledge gaps by catalyzing the sharing of developing country experiences between practitioners; document and. Objective: To finance the reconstruction priorities of Afghanistan.
Objective: To safeguard lives and livelihoods during and after the global crises by promoting social protection measures such as social safety nets and maintenance of access to basic health, nutrition, education and other vital services for communities, especially poor and vulnerable groups. Objective: To provide additional financing and technical assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs in selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to strengthen their capacity in providing energy services to poor communities.
This is first. Second — if Russia is a weakening power, then why worry? Great Britain is among the few countries in Europe, and in the world, with which we have maintained a good pace of development of economic ties.
This is a record high figure. We would very much like for Russian-British relations to facilitate this process. The statement reflects several possibilities. One is that his comments were mistranslated. Another is that he was being sarcastic. I argued that Russia would have to become more aggressive in its efforts to contain Western incursions into the buffer spaces of the former Soviet Union. The first step of that process was the Russo-Georgian War of , a relatively mild event.
The overthrow of the pro-Russia government in Ukraine a few years later, and its replacement by a pro-West regime, created a fundamental shift in Moscow that is being played out now in Belarus, the South Caucasus, Moldova and of course Ukraine itself. In my analysis then and now, Russia could not accept the geographic and political realities that the fall of the Soviet Union created and would become increasingly aggressive within the former Soviet Union and in a more limited sense globally, as in Syria.
The problem Russia would have is the problem encountered by the Soviet Union. As politico-military actions increased, the cost of defense spiraled. That spiraling cost collided with the fact that Russia failed to create a modern economy.
This is what broke the Soviet Union. On one hand, it had to finance a massive military capability.