B: Yes, he is very nice. B: Sorry, I am busy at the moment. B: Yes, I often go walking in the early morning. B: I like to stay at home and relax.
Sometimes I play tennis. What 1. What 2. Neither am I C. I do, too D. Neither do I 3. She added a little salt to the soup so it tasted ……………………… A. Would you like something to drink? All right B. Yes, I would C. A cup of tea, please 5. You should add ………………….. Thank you, too C. How about going to the movies tonight, John? My father has …………………. I have two close friends, but …………………. None B. Are you mortified by global warming? Look into organizations that help with that.
You could also zero in on what makes you happy. If you love animals, consider volunteering at a local shelter. You could be out walking dogs or keeping cats company as we speak. And what could be better than that? If you rarely find yourself with a moment's peace, use this down time do some meditating. As spiritual teacher and author Heather Kristian Strang tells Bustle, you could even make an entire evening out of it.
Light candles and incense, get comfy in your yoga pants, and find a few guided meditations. Start by sitting quietly for five minutes, then build up to longer amounts of time. If you've been meaning to learn how to paint or knit, or play piano for forever, now's your chance. All it takes is time and dedication. Hey, you could even treat yourself to in person lessons, which would get you out and interacting with new people.
The world of crafts and hobbies is your oyster, so have at it. Go ahead and get takeout if that's what your heart desires. But there's also something really nice about cooking for yourself , too. Not only will you save money, but the process of chopping, cooking, eating, and cleaning up can be oddly wholesome and relaxing. Get into it with a new recipe , or test out fun and interesting ingredients. Depending on what you consider "interesting," cleaning may not be at the top of your list.
If you get inspired, move onto the next one. Even if you do nothing else, "you'll go to bed feeling satisfied and proud," she says. Nothing's better than receiving real, fun mail. To go all out, use your good stationery you know, those nice cards you bought two years ago? Who knows? It might even turn into a tradition where your friends write back, old-school penpal-style. Not everyone needs a reminder to read, but if you have a stack of dusty books lying around that are just waiting to be perused, why not open one up?
Pop online and start planning your next vacation — even if you won't be going for awhile. So go ahead and check flight prices, scroll through cool hotel sites, or look up European backpacking tips.
Just see what you can see. It can also be fun to get a friend involved in the process. If you two start daydreaming about a trip and setting aside money, you can make it a reality. But in the meantime, simply talking about it and sending each other photos can be a good time, too.
Not only do they deserve better, but we deserve better. If we can take control of our nights, we will quickly change the entire course of our lives. We will also experience the rejuvenation and joy that evenings are meant to provide. Are you ready to change the way you spend your evenings? Are you ready to change your entire life? We have forgotten how to slow down. Not surprisingly, this fast-forward culture is taking a toll on everything from our diet and health to our work and the environment.
Between phone calls, email, texting, and social media, it can be extremely difficult to unplug. More often than not, we bring our work home with us. Consequently, we rarely give our full attention to those we love. Not only do we fail to live in the present, but study after study have found that electronic devices harm our sleep cycles. Verma advises turning off electronics at least hours before bedtime even e-ink devices like Kindle or Nook. Two hours is best, even though impractical for many people.
Melatonin signals to your body that it is night, helping you become sleepy. When that signal is delayed you could delay sleep. Doing this frequently over a long period of time can disrupt the circadian system often inflicting serious health consequences. On the contrary, a light snack before bed can help you sleep more soundly without gaining weight—if you eat the right foods.
Of course, if you regularly eat the wrong foods like chips, cookies, or anything sugary before bed, you will likely gain fat weight. Blood sugar and its related hormones can either boost or deflate your appetite and energy levels. If you have low blood sugar when you wake up in the morning, you will likely feel lethargic.
Furthermore, low blood sugar can disrupt your sleep in the middle of the night causing you to be in and out of sleep. Cassie Bjork, a registered dietician and founder of HealthySimpleLife. The right bedtime snack provides fuel your body needs to burn calories while you sleep in addition to releasing hunger hormones that cause your body to store fat. Recommended night time snacks include: Complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread Non-starchy vegetables Popcorn Fruit Maxson explains that these foods break down slowly, which stops blood sugar spikes or crashes that disturb sleep and appetite.
For athletes, lean protein, such as turkey and chicken, facilitate muscle repair during the night while also providing tryptophan, an essential amino acid which promotes healthy sleep. Additionally, healthy fats before bed can also slow the absorption of carbohydrates into your system. If you commonly wake up tired or hungry, eat some avocado, a spoon full of peanut butter, or some melted butter on your popcorn. Account, Report, And Prepare For Tomorrow At the end of each day, it is good to spend minutes reviewing your day, briefly recording what happened, and making proper plans for tomorrow.
Reviewing your day keeps you accountable to yourself. Did you do all you planned to do? Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism, writes in his journal daily to record his experiences, insights, and memories.
He recommends writing far less than you want to—only a few sentences or paragraphs at most. This could take several minutes or even over an hour.
Lastly, you quickly assess your planner and to-do list for tomorrow. This includes visualizing how your day will go. Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps claims that visualization is the key to his athletic success.
He often speaks of his intense mental visualizations of a perfect swim the night before a race as being intimately tied to the wins that follow. Not letting those moments pass you by.