Some people also use the word pediatrist to mean the same thing — a doctor who specializes in treating children ranging from newborn babies to adolescents. No, when used generically, medical specialities do not have to be capitalized. You may frequently see the specialities listed on a nameplate or office door where they are usually capitalized.
General Rules for Titles in References. In general, the title of a work is recorded just as the words appear in the publication. Always lowercase and write solid. Do not capitalize the words from which an acronym is derived intensive care unit, ICU; computed tomography, CT; magnetic resonance imaging, MRI unless it is a proper noun. As a noun it is not capitalized just like doctor or lawyer. But as a part of title you can capitalize it. Maria Rusch, Pediatrician. Many experts consider autism a developmental disorder, not a mental illness.
Yes, you can, although it is perhaps more common to use to go down with in reference to an illness rather than a medical condition. Follow your asthma action plan. With your doctor and health care team, write a detailed plan for taking medications and managing an asthma attack. The term was not originally associated with disease. Inhalers — devices that let you breathe in medicine — are the main treatment.
Tablets and other treatments may also be needed if your asthma is severe. Xolair omalizumab works by stopping the production of IgE in response to an allergic trigger — such as cigarette smoke, cat dander, pollen or dust. Thus, it prevents asthma attacks rather than just lessening them once they have occurred, which is how inhaled bronchodilators, such as Ventolin or Proventil, work. Asthma is an eminently controllable illness. Indeed, for most sufferers, control is so effective that it amounts to a virtual cure.
But asthma is not curable in the same way as, say, a bacterial pneumonia; it never entirely goes away. Example—Passive Voice : Evaluations will be performed to determine the best treatment. Examples—Active Voice : Your doctor will perform evaluations to determine the best treatment. Your doctor will evaluate you to determine the best treatment. We use shorter, simpler sentences so our patients, donors, and staff can easily process and retain key messages.
Example : Evaluations are given to patients before surgery. Better : Doctors will evaluate you before surgery. This sentence has a clear character that performs an action expressed as a verb. Example : In order to make sure patients have access to information they need to recover, our hospital staff will distribute patient education materials. Better : Our hospital staff will distribute patient education materials to make sure patients have access to information they need to recover.
Also, avoid nominalizations. Nominalizations hide the subject or doer of the action in a sentence. Our goal is to create an approachable, friendly, and trusted tone. On the web, readers expect a less formal tone, but this is increasingly true for print writing as well. In many types of writing, readers can also understand content that has a less formal tone more easily than content that uses a formal tone. Example : Patients may have anxiety before their surgery. Better : We understand you have may have anxiety before your surgery.
Research shows that readers are deterred by voice and tone that sounds like a sales pitch. When this happens, readers judge this type of content as less credible, and conversion rates actually go down. We are careful to treat our readers and users with respect by presenting facts and relevant information and then letting them make their own decisions. Better : Call to make an appointment. People read differently on the web than they do in print.
On the web, readers search for answers, information, or to finish a task. Instead, they scan and skim. Writers must do this quickly—or readers will go on to another page. This is true for many forms of writing, but especially on the web. This is especially important for web content and HealthFeed blog posts.
But more and more, readers expect that print content should be easy to scan too. Our guidelines below reflect standards and best practices from web usability and accessibility experts. You can read more about plain language in the health literacy section above. Organize your content so the most important information appears on a page first. Putting the most important information first also helps users quickly decide whether the content on a page is relevant to them.
Meta tags help search engines recognize content on a webpage. We use meta tags so search engines can better understand the content on a page and determine what pages are relevant to a user's search query.
We also wrap headings and subheadings in meta tag code. Place text links on the most descriptive part of the sentence to let readers know what information they will find. For questions about the University of Utah style guide, contact the main campus office of marketing and communications. Search Menu. Why Use a Style Guide? Application The principles listed here apply to our content and annual and special reports—whether electronic or in print.
Writing For Our Audience Our goal, in all cases, is to write in language easily understood by our patients, the media, and the public at-large. Brand Guide This writing style guide is part of our University of Utah Health brand, which addresses key messages, tone, voice, and other important topics.
Tone Tone is the attitude a writer or brand takes toward her audience. We are a trusted, approachable provider of health care.
We use tone to: empower patients, donors, staff, and researchers to take action. Actions can include changing a health behavior, donating money, or supporting U of U Health. We are: expert but not condescending to achieve this tone, use active voice instead of passive voice ; established but not elite to achieve this tone, use plain language , and; approachable but not sloppy or silly to achieve this tone, use contractions but not slang.
Adjectives Even though we use adjectives to help us develop our branded tone and voice, we still encourage writers to use adjectives sparingly. Voice Our voice is similar to our tone. Never use U Health or UHealth. Example : A. Use University of Utah Health Plans on first reference for body copy.
Use U of U Health Plans on second reference. Chunking Readers expect to find content they can easily scan. Use numbered lists when order does matter. Include a maximum of seven to nine items in a list. If you have more than nine items, make multiple lists. As a general rule, use short sentences. Use short headings about three to 10 words in length.
Make sure headings are descriptive. Quick Reference The information below is covered by both the University and Chicago style guides. Numbers Figures or Words? Fractions: Spell out amounts less than one. A ratio of 2-to-1; a ratio. Monetary units Use figures in all instances. Ages Use figures in all instances. Dates Use figures always set off with commas. Days of the Week Do not use periods to abbreviate days of the week.
Times Use figures with lowercase am and pm when referring to a specific time. In news releases put periods in a. Do not use zeroes or colons to indicate time.
Phone Numbers Do not use parentheses around area codes; use hyphens. Very is very, very, very much overused. Avoid in most cases. Past and last Use past when speaking about a recent period of time. Compare to; compare with When comparing one thing to another, it means to regard them as similar.
Defining Commonly Misunderstood Medical Terms As medical professionals, we use medical terms that have specific meanings every day. Inpatient: a patient who stays in the hospital usually overnight to receive care. Outpatient care is usually provided in community health centers. A patient can go home after their clinic appointment is over. AirMed is one word with the M capitalized. Black Capitailize the "b" in Black when referring to people in a racial, ethnic, or cultural context board-certified Always hyphenated, because it is either a compound modifier or it follows a form of the verb to be: He is board-certified in pediatrics.
Do not use a hyphen when using follow up as a verb. Futures guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics identify adolescence as 11 to 21 years of age, 2 dividing the group into early ages 11—14 years , middle ages 15—17 years , and late ages 18—21 years adolescence. Your pediatrician will help determine the age to transition care, which is typically between the ages of 18 and It is recommended that your pediatrician begin this evaluation at the age of 14 or But some people find it harder to connect with their childhood doctors as they get older.
Tattoos or pierced body parts have long been considered a red flag for pediatricians who found them on their patients. On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its first-ever clinical guidelines to members on tattooing, piercing and scarification in adolescents and young adults. In general, your child can be cared for by a pediatrician until about age At this point, the pediatrician will likely recommend a new primary care provider, such as a family medicine or internal medicine physician.
Family medicine doctors care for people of all ages — from infants through the elderly. The care they offer encompasses four branches of medicine: pediatrics. While doctors have to be certified to treat children, there are no rules for when a patient must switch to another doctor once the patient reaches adulthood.