This is an example of hosting the Games leading to the provision of more sports facilities for elite and community usage. It will be an integral part of the chain of sporting excellence we are creating through the 26 mile long, 10, acre Lee Valley Regional Park. The Velodrome is being constructed by contractors ISG and more than 2, sections of steelwork were installed to complete the steel structure of the venue.
The steelwork sections rise in height by 12 metres from the shallowest point to the highest part of the structure, helping form the distinct double-curved roof structure which has been designed to reflect the geometry of the cycling track.
With the Velodrome steel structure complete, work is now underway to install the venue roof in what is one of the largest cable-net roof lifts in the UK, using some 16 kilometres of cable. The Velodrome is one of the most sustainable venues in the Olympic Park and the lightweight cable-net roof structure will only weigh 30kg per m2, roughly half that of any other covered Velodrome, helping create a highly-efficient building.
The cable-net roof is due to be completed in the Spring when work will then begin to cover the roof and install the outer cladding of the venue. The natural protection from the elements that is provided by the shape of the bowl is further enhanced by the application of a coating of Textrol oil to help prevent weathering of the timber and to maintain its colour for as long as possible. One problem for the design team was the highly variable occupancy pattern of the Velodrome.
The venue is as compact as possible to reduce the volume of air requiring heating, and is highly insulated, allowing heating and ventilating to be easily adapted to different occupancy patterns.
The infield is heated with underfloor heating. In summer the building is entirely naturally ventilated without fan assistance; air passes into an under-seat plenum through louvres in the timber cladding and is exhausted through the timber cladding louvres at the two high ends of the building. Article from Timber Industry Yearbook.
An update of British, European and International Standards relating to timber, including new and revised Standards, those withdrawn or amended and drafts now available for public comment, updated bimonthly. Potential structural changes to the UK economy brought Please confirm that you agree to us using your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. I am a Student. Start Here. Dashboard Account Details Log out. Technical helpline Membership queries. Login Register.
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The Velodrome features a double-curved timber clad roof. A series of gang-nailed timber trusses create the complex slopes of the track. Trials begin on the metre sloping track. The Velodrome will hold spectators. The cable-net roof structure is partially covered by insulated timber panels. The lightweight roof is clad with standing seam aluminium sheet.
The prefabricated timber panels and louvre panels are fixed to the steel trusses. Hopkins Architects. London Velodrome Cycling inspired the concept for the Velodrome: the bicycle is an ingenious ergonomic object that is honed to unrivalled efficiency. Search Submit search. Manage cookies. Cookie options Strictly necessary Required for the website to function and cannot be disabled.
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