Letting the game make the groups takes that pressure away. No appreciable end game. Conquering the next raid or dungeon or working toward that cool looking weapon isn't enough of a draw. GW2's bread and butter is avoiding the power chase. Okay, fine. But what they do have doesn't work for enough people. Gamers want to chase something.
I don't know. But what GW2 isn't it. Lack of enthusiasm from the developers. Maybe I should rephrase that. At least, public enthusiasm. Communication from the GW2 people is rare.
I would like to hear a lot more, a lot more frequently. More communication tells me that they still have faith in the game. Silence is what you get from a corpse. It does seem they are working on that, lately.
Let's see if it sticks. Not enough new content. Have to keep rolling it out. Updates are too far between. That, as well, bespeaks a game that isn't doing well, perception-wise. Reality doesn't matter. Only perception. That doesn't work well, especially in today's environment.
Players today, a large number of them, don't want to be tied down. They want to play and then go back to their life. The next argument is, "If you want to play solo, don't play an MMO". Problem is, that outlook will eventually kill GW2. Because that isn't where the marker is heading. Solo is where it is at. Yes, wandering the world and coming on a group to slay a boss is great. But overall, people want to do what they want to do when they want to do it.
Not wait for some group to get together and eventually do it. That is where the market is heading, and we can either adapt to it or cross our arms, pout, and watch GW2 flounder. GW2, for it's part, is very solo-friendly. Except for raids and dungeons and some world bosses , there really isn't anything you can't do by yourself. But there are things that GW2 can do to help the solo player. The aforementioned random group maker. The world chat. I'm trying to picture it, but all I can see is an endless stream of text flowing down the chat window at lines per second and not giving you a chance to even read anything.
Regarding the matchmaker, I like the current system because it allows me to set up a "daily p1: everybody welcome :D" lfg, and people immediately know its a chill run. If people want a hardcore group optimized for speed clearing, they will also state so in their lfg. In my opinion, mixing both types of players is a horrible idea. About the end game: there are various things one could pursue like reaching tier 4 fractals and doing CM modes, or raiding , and the game has lots of things to do.
If one is absolutely bored, there are more achievements than might be humanly possible to complete. Granted, none of these is obvious or a "must" as it'd be in other games. GW2 was advertised as being for casual players, so it's to be expected that the big game sinks are completely optional.
Developer communication has been the best it's been since release. I suppose it could be better Just my views, perhaps the game wasn't designed with the OP in mind? I am pretty happy with the game just as it is. You are in luck because Strike Missions don't involve finding a group and at least the easier ones can be completed in any group composition with any type of player.
Matchmaking and worldchat are two things that have been discussed and viewed as a bad thing by the GW2 community. It actually makes this game unique and gives it an identity to be different from that one game you have been playing. Too many games looking alike is bad and there is all ready a game and some copycats that does it this way those two things are simply not fitting this community. As for lack of content. This is a recent issue and part of the revenue system of the game.
The genre is loosing people, but changing the revenue system will mean more content, but also more people hooking off. This one surprised me. I know, as you said, it's different opinions, and I know a lot of people accept other games random group finders but it never occurred to me that anyone would like being dumped into the first group with a space or prefer it to being able to choose a group which suits you. My understanding until now is just that they don't realise there's any other way it could be done, because the majority of MMOs use random groups.
My other MMO uses that method and it means random groups are dominated by speed runners. There's no self-selection and if you get even one speed runner in a group they'll storm ahead and start killing everything the game also has balance issues which means a lot of people are able to solo dungeons without needing special builds and everyone else just has to try and keep up so they can hopefully get there in time to tag the boss and qualify for the kill. The attitude among players is that if you want to do anything except rush through the dungeon as fast as possible you have to avoid using the group finder and use guild or map chat to try to find people, which makes the group finder entirely useless for a lot of people.
I've lost count of how many times players have asked for a system like GW2 has so players can make sure everyone in the group has the same expectations. That would ensure speed runners don't have to complain about "carrying" the rest of the group because they never get a chance to do anything and people who want to do anything else including crazy things like listen to the dialogue can also find a group which suits them.
If you need the game to lure you with carrots of the most powerful rewards that you can only reach by doing very specific content, there are lots of MMOs out there to give you that kind of gameplay.
Not doing that kind of thing is one of the strengths of GW2 that makes it pretty unique compared to similar games, and a strength many players appreciate.
This gamer wants to chase fun, a world to explore on my own terms, characters to build and improve the way I enjoy it, to find the content that best suits me on any given day. I'm sure there's enough of us that appreciate the kind of endgame GW2 has precisely because of its open, variable nature compared to other games to keep this one game afloat. The moment the game has to try and compete with other games by mimicing features those games have because it's core audience is too small to keep it afloat with its current setup is the moment this game has a much bigger problem than just "enough" people wanting to play it but missing their carrot-on-a-stick to give them the illusion of having things to do.
Posted by: Kamirose. Posted by: Alaia Skyhawk. Alaia Skyhawk. All we ask is that people be on teamspeak, listen to the commanders, and if you taxi in friends make sure they join the ts as well.
If anyone is unfamiliar with the event, no worries, we do a full explanation every run if time allows. It only takes 2 full egg spits and have them hatch and one of husks with no one to deal with them, to turn the arena into an unmanageable mess as anyone who attends unorganised maps will know well.
Edit: Annnnd it would help if I posted the ts address ;. Posted by: Sylum. Download and install teamspeak and enter channel: ts. I did Teq earlier today and for a change I stayed by the turrets, fixing them, helping others kill the fingers that sprang up near them and killing any risen that got near.
It felt good, and it showed me yet another way to participate in the event. Thank you. You are completely missing the point. It is not about doing something that fails all the time for the sake of failing, everyone knows that TT is hard if done off-the-cuff so you need organization for it to succeed. Right now the only reason that Teq is being a success is because the load is not shared equally.
Those of us that do defense and turrets work our kitty-cats off and often die as a result. Meanwhile everyone else just goes through the mechanics and gets the same reward subject to RNG as we do. So not only that day, but now they have even less of an incentive to do more next time.
Posted by: Farming Flats. Farming Flats. Fall back and attack at range. Get out of the way! Stay out of its way! It was a refreshing change for everyone to know that organization for any event was a good thing. I try to find unorganized maps specifically to help organize them because that is where they need it, but it is like pulling teeth some days.
Which is why I want them to see Teq fail now and then. Right now they take those of us saying we have seen completely unorganized maps get bone walls as a fairytale used to frighten young children. One thing I find amusing is I am usually the only one with a commander tag on who is not in the zerg I use it to point out where my team is.
I will give them the benefit of the doubt that one out there is using it for targetting but most are doing it for vanity purposes and have no interest in actually doing anything to help.
I missed that. Or do you? His fear attack works at a tremendous distance, and it repeats several times. Posted by: Jana. We had a great Teq loss the other day.
I have been the only commander, it was a last minute map, I failed to get another one. A lot of people were joining and leaving, so our map was maybe half full. It was fun actually. Naaahh… We could!! Posted by: Linfang. When they changed Teq I used to fail often I think this was before Megaserver.
Is he just as hard? I get there mins early, and last night I got an Ascended weapon box so yes it is worth the reward. My point was if there are 10 people tagged up in the zerg I highly doubt all of them are actually commanding.
Hmm, it seems part of the problem is getting a team going. Once one person is in it there is still a struggle to get 5 but at least there is someone else that can call for more people. Maybe I should start 2 teams then once a second person joins split off and get the other going if nobody has taken that one yet.
I have had friends message me that they could not get on the map and their was an obvious failure not enough people, not all the turrets manned, etc.
I have disconnected in the middle of things and wound up on maps like that — not pretty. So the reason it does fail for some people is most likely because a lot of people wind up on the same teq map as other times same guilds, etc. If they rarely see it fail the first times they will assume that is normal and not realize they are only seeing their map. It really is a scaling issue. It should be easier if there are only a few people there but harder if there are a lot.
Posted by: Ardid. I usually jump to the map 10 minutes before the reset, and inmediatelly join a defense team, typically South Boat, wich normally get full in minutes. If champions spawn we just chain them there, kill the krait hypnoss ASAP, and if turrets seems to be vulnerable, we orbit them killing fingers until next batch of SBoat mobs appear. When battery defense begins, we split up.
While introducing the continent of Cantha is a great start; a few new areas, a new campaign, and a new set of elite specializations is not going to be enough to save this game. The introduction of the Tengu as a playable race and major additions to current game modes is borderline necessary at this stage, as many of the game's hardcore players have been driven away for a list of reasons that continues to grow.
The Guild Wars 2 community is angry, and it's hard to blame them. Many of the hardcore players have been driven away from the game as their favorite game modes are discontinued or ignored entirely. Dungeons were replaced with Fractals of the Mist, which just finally received a new release after 21 months. There hasn't been a new MMO raid introduced in 18 months, having been replaced with Strikes, which are little more than watered-down raids, as the game's casual audience has been heavily resistant to what they perceive to be a toxic and elitist game mode.
World vs. World players have effectively been playing the exact same Guild Wars 2 content since launch, with no updates on the Alliance feature that was announced almost three years ago.