Talk about a problem or issue that you know needs to be addressed and your interest in supporting or participating in that process. Discuss your fit with company culture. Mention your interest in career progression if relevant.
Talk about any experience you have with the company for example, that you use their products or services. Stay sane with our top tips 10 steps to a LinkedIn profile that boosts your job search. Join our facebook community Join our online community and be inspired to achieve your goals! I think my past experience leading projects would help me contribute immediately in this role.
Can you tell me more about what type of leadership role that this position can grow into in the long run? As another way to stand out in the interview, you can end your answer with a question of your own. You can see this in the example above. This is one of my favorite strategies to recommend because it turns the interview into a back-and-forth conversation and helps you build rapport with the hiring manager.
Follow these steps any time an interviewer asks a question about why you wanted to apply for this position, why you were interested in interviewing for their job, etc. Share Tweet Share Pin. The result? To prepare your answer, consider addressing the following three pieces of information in your answer:. Your answer should show that you took the time to thoroughly read the job description and reflected on whether the position was honestly a good fit for you now and in the future.
A great way to stand out from other job applicants is to end your answer with a related question for the interviewer. Ending your answer with a question creates a two-way dialogue, making the interview more conversational.
For inspiration as you craft your own answer, here are a few example answers following the above steps:. Would you tell me more about the various types of teams you need someone to put together? Can you tell me more about how the company creates growth opportunities for people who work here?
Read more: 12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers. Find jobs. Company reviews. Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Are you enthusiastic about the position? Do your goals and experience align with the role? Will you positively contribute to the company? Research the position. Counting and managing inventory Ordering supplies Uploading inventory invoices Reconciling invoices Communicating with vendors.