Be sure to keep your contact information up to date so that you receive these important reminders. When you register a domain name, you're able to use it for the period of time you registered it for, which is typically between one to ten years.
If you want to keep using the domain name and any of the services associated with it like a website or email service you need to renew the domain name registration prior to its expiration.
If you need help renewing your domain name, contact the registrar who you registered your domain name with. The registrar's name will be included in the results. You have the right to transfer an expired domain.
Registrars are not allowed to deny a transfer due to expiration or non-renewal. However, if the current registrar has begun to delete your domain i. This may result in an additional fee, sometimes referred to as a redemption fee. If you paid a renewal fee to your registrar or reseller and your domain name was not renewed, the registrar may be in breach of the registration agreement that you entered into when the domain name was initially registered.
You may want to consult an attorney for legal advice to determine your options, or submit a complaint to a consumer protection agency i. Registrars are required to send two renewal reminders one month and one week before and within five days after the expiration of a domain name. The registrar must display on its website the methods for sending these notices. If you did not receive renewal reminders from your registrar or reseller , please submit a Domain Renewal Complaint Form.
Domain names that are in the day Redemption Grace Period can be redeemed or renewed before the end of the Grace Period. If you tried to redeem or renew your domain name that is in Redemption Grace Period, but were unable to do so, the registrar may be in breach of the Expired Registration Recovery Policy.
Your registrar must provide three renewal notices and allow a domain in Redemption Grace Period to be redeemed or renewed. Contact your registrar to find out your options for cancelling removing your domain name registration. You can avail of the services of domain snatchers if you want a more automated process of getting domain names. Drop Registrars, or domain snatchers, are web services that track domain name expiration, especially after the grace period has lapsed.
Particularly, these registrars wait for a domain name to be dropped from the list of registered domain names and register them on your behalf. Since auctions can also happen when domain names are drop, Drop Registrars can also handle the bidding on your behalf.
You set your highest bid, how the bid increments will be, and the Drop Registrar will do the rest. Drop Registrars often have tie-ups with existing domain registrars, which helps them get first dibs on domain names that are up for taking. Should you decide to avail of the services of a drop registrar, consider looking for one with ties with domain registrars.
Note as well that the cost of drop registrars may sometimes not include the actual registration of the domain. Consult with them on their fees so that you may gauge if you need their services. The grace period is the time a person may renew a domain before the domain is released from registration and made available to anyone who wishes to buy.
The first phase is 45 days long. For this period, the owner of the domain may still renew his registration without having to pay any penalties. The second phase starts at the end of the first phase. For this period, the owner of the domain has 30 days to renew it before it is deleted. While domain names are never owned by the person who registered it, all rights over the domain name are retained, until the end of the grace period, or if waived.
Your domain name and email from the registrar are disabled from the first day of the expiration of the domain. Another reason for the unavailability of a domain name despite its expiration is the possibility of the name being involved in a trademark case. If this would be the case, your chances of getting this domain name are slim, as whoever wins will most likely get the right to use that domain.
Should you want to buy an expired domain name, you may consider getting in touch with the person or organization that currently has rights over it and ask if you can buy it. Should you decide to buy the rights, note that this agreement will not involve the registrar, and may cost you more than what it costs.
WHOIS lists down who registered a domain name, their location, and date of expiry of the domain name. Many companies have paid a far greater price. So, there you go. In April , Google lost its Argentinian domain for a few hours when it became available, causing a closedown of the local search engine google. A few years ago, Little Acorns Fostering was forced to give up its. Fortunately, Little Acorn also owned a. UK domain, making it possible to transfer its website to that address.
Incidentally, rather than give in to the squatter demands, the agency hired legal counsel. Marketo, a multibillion-dollar company, seller of automated marketing software, ironically forgot to renew its domain, causing it to lose every hyperlink, image, and form in all of its client emails, not to mention its main website. Clients were unable to log in to their accounts where, among other things, they access forms needed for their customer-facing services. Denied access, they were, of course, angry.
Marketo scrambled to resolve the problem. Fortunately, a very helpful customer stepped in to help. But, even then, it still took a few days for DNS to propagate and for everything to return to normal. Could a much smaller business survive this? In April , the city of Oakland in Northern California forgot to renew its domain name.
Sure enough, customers took their complaints to Twitter. And married couples vented that John Lewis added huge amounts of stress to their big day. Confidential information exposed, payouts, squatting, embarrassment.
Allowing a domain name to expire may not hurt the big guys Google so much.