What is runespan

Since runes are worth points, spending runes for chipping reduces the current points. A node is an elemental object within the Runespan that can be siphoned for runes, giving Runecrafting experience. If the siphon is unsuccessful, the player can gain either 0 or 2 experience.

A white ring appears below all nodes which shows which runes will be crafted from it. Unlike creatures, nodes do not re-spawn in the same locations when depleted. There are basic nodes pertaining to one element such as cyclones, rock fragments, and fleshy growths , but there are also nodes that players can siphon two different types of runes from such as fire storms, which grant air runes and fire runes.

Combination nodes such as fire storms will never yield both runes at once, with the higher level rune having a lower chance of being obtained; a fire storm will reward the player with Siphoning a node will give twice the experience as siphoning their respective creature. For example, players who siphon a Death esswraith receive only 60 experience per rune, while siphoning skulls gives players experience per rune. The nodes don't change any faster or slower when people are siphoning from them, much like the coal and gold deposits in the Living Rock Caverns.

This means that no matter how many people are siphoning from a single node, it will last for a randomly determined amount of time before disappearing or changing to another node type. The chances of finding a better node increase as players go up the floors. For example, shifters and jumpers are uncommon sights on the middle floor. Occasionally a node will be replaced, while still active, with another, different node in the exact same location.

Nodes can be replaced with either a lower or higher level node. A player siphoning a node that gets replaced will continue siphoning without the need to reclick it. However if the node changes into a higher level node than the player can siphon they will automatically stop siphoning, and have to find another node.

Platforms transport players from one island to another, much like bridges. Crossing them uses up certain runes as well as a small number of points currently held in inventory. The symbols on the platforms show which runes are required to use the platform. If players examine the platform, it will show them the runes needed to cross. In the case of missile platforms, a variety of elemental runes can be used interchangeably depending on what is available in the player's inventory.

The most abundant rune type will always be used. If multiple rune types are equally abundant, the lower level one would be used. For example, water runes would be used over fire runes. When moving from a smaller island to a larger one, neither runes nor points will be used. Players will get a game message; "You were not charged for travelling to the bigger island". However when moving from a larger island to a smaller one, runes and points will be consumed.

This will be indicated on your mini-map with a red bridge. When moving from two similarly sized islands runes and points will be consumed in either direction of travel. This will be indicated on your mini-map with a tan bridge.

A player can initially start with 25 rune essence by collecting from floating essence. The rune essence is converted into one or more of the fourteen runes by siphoning creatures or nodes.

A player can use their current points to buy some runes 10 of each rune that a player can siphon for from Wizard Finix once per session, but the current points and the points currently held in inventory will not be updated unless another rune is crafted. The points will be deducted and the bought runes will be transferred to the inventory. The runes may then be used for crossing between gaps. Unlike the runes used in Gielinor , these runes are not tradeable nor could they be used for magic.

The Runespan is split into three levels. Different creatures, nodes and platforms can be found on each. Click to view a larger version opens on a new page. Click here for a numbered version. The lower level of the Runespan can be accessed at any Runecrafting level by using the portal on the top of the Wizards' Tower. It is completely available to all players. There are 52 islands on this level. All types of esslings are found on this level. Click here for a numbered version, or here for a free-to-play version.

The middle level of the Runespan can be accessed at 33 Runecrafting by climbing the vine ladder , located on the lower level. Members with 50 Runecrafting also have the option of starting on the middle level when entering the portal in Wizards' Tower.

Islands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 and 44 are accessible in free-to-play. There are 46 islands on this level. All types of esshounds and esslings except Fire esslings are found on this level. Esshounds are quite common in this floor compared to esslings.

If you look out from some of the islands in the middle level you may see the runecrafting guild. This is odd, however, because when the player is inside the guild they only see a few empty islands floating around, but cannot actually see the Runespan. The upper level of the Runespan can be accessed at 66 Runecrafting by climbing the bone ladder on the middle level. This floor is available exclusively to members. There are 33 islands on this level.

All types of creatures and nodes are found on this level. Esswraiths are somewhat common while esshounds and esslings are not as common in this level. Players with access to the outer part of the Max Guild can tune a portal to take them straight to the upper level. Players can also pay wizard Rinsit, located at the top of the Wizards' Tower, 1, Runespan points in order to re-direct the mid level portal to the upper level portal and access it from there.

Otherwise, the upper level can be reached by entering the middle level portal, trading in some points for runes with Wizard Finix, and going south-west to the bone ladder. Players without the points to trade for runes can get to the upper level by collecting rune essence, siphoning the air essling for 3 air runes, taking the float platform south, siphoning the chaos esshound for 2 chaos runes, then taking missile platforms south-west and west to reach the bone ladder.

If they do not have these they should wear as many pieces of the master runecrafter robes they have. There are a number of wizards on each level that stand in random spots and periodically teleport to different locations.

Each level has one wizard wearing yellow robes yellow wizards only appear on the first level on free worlds and several others wearing blue robes.

Each player can see all of the wizards at any given moment, though the wizard wearing yellow robes is random to each player. Despite this, multiple players can see the same wizard as the yellow one at the same time. Every 10 minutes after logging into or entering the Runespan or successfully handing the yellow wizard runes, a red message will appear in the chatbox saying that a wizard needs the player's help.

If the player chooses not to help the wizard, the message will not be called out again. To find the yellow wizard, talk to any of the wizards in blue robes, including Wizard Finix. After a short chat or choosing the right click option "Find Wizard," a flashing arrow will point to where the yellow wizard is located. On rare occasions the yellow wizard will appear on your island, making his experience bonus worth while. Once the yellow wizard is found, players can either talk to him or choose the right click option "Best Rune" in order to find which type of rune he needs.

In either case, the player must then use a stack of runes on the yellow wizard. He will take 10 runes from that stack or the entire stack if there are less than 10 and in return he will grant a reward of Runecrafting experience based on the type and number of runes provided and whether the rune provided was what he asked for when not providing the requested rune, higher level runes yield more experience , as well as the player's runecrafting level.

See XP rewards, below, for more details. Players may not always be able to reach the yellow wizard because he may be on an island that can only be travelled to using a high level platform. Players may also not be able to fulfil the yellow wizard's request, as he can ask for any level rune including soul runes even on floor 1. In this case, players can give the wizard a lower level rune at the cost of receiving less experience.

Players who own the complete Infinity Ethereal outfit, are granted five free teleports to the Yellow Wizard per day, while wearing the full outfit. If using this method to reach the wizard; a player is offered to teleport back to where they were, after handing in any type of rune. Siphoning from energy nodes gives better experience than siphoning from creatures.

Since the Runespan is made up of several islands, to travel between them you have to use bridging points. These are indicated by platforms around the edges of the islands, and they cost runes to use.

Higher leveled Runecrafters will be able to go up to the higher floors. To do so, you will need to go up the ladder found on your current floor. As you are collecting runes, you will notice that the number next to the backpack shaped icon will be going up.

This is because when you leave the Runespan, all the runes you have gathered in will be handed in to the Runecrafting guild and you will gain reward points equal to that number. The more runes you gather, the more points you will be able to gain. For example, 10 air runes is equal to one point or 0. Higher level runes are worth more points per rune. To leave the Runespan, you will need to find Wizard Finix or one of the wandering wizards and ask them to teleport you out. Alternatively, you can simply teleport out using the Lodestone system.

When leaving the Runespan, your accumulated runes will be converted into points even if you teleport out. There are three floors in the Runespan, the first of which is the lower level. This floor is for beginners, and on it you will find all Esslings. Once you've levelled up your Runecrafting to 33 you will be able to ascend the Vine Ladder and will find yourself in the middle level of the Runespan if you're Runecrafting level is 50, you are able to use the high-level portal which will take you here.

On this level you will find all Esslings excluding the Fire Essling and all Esshounds. At level 66 Runecrafting you will be able to ascend the Bone Ladder to the highest level of the Runespan. Next stop, 99 Runecrafting! Here you will find all creatures.

You only need one of each of the required runes in order to pass. If a platform has an 'Elemental' rune requirement, then you can either use an earth, air, fire, or water rune; whichever you have most. There are a couple of distractions and diversions which are unique to the Runespan. They are the Yellow Wizard and the Runesphere.

There are a few wandering wizards who teleport about the Runespan. One of these is wearing yellow robes, and you will occasionally receive a chat-box warning that he is calling out for help. Low Level Portal:. Turm Grandmaster posts. Like Dislike. Re: Runespan's Guide to The Runespan. Massive pouches are Runecrafting pouches that can hold 18 pure essence, for use in the Runecrafting skill. This item requires level 90 Runecrafting to use; boosts will not work.

Pouch Protector is a relic power that players can harness at the mysterious monolith. Once harnessed, Runecrafting pouches will no longer degrade when used, including massive pouches. This always costs at least 1 rune. However, the amount of different types of runes and the required Runecrafting levels can make it impossible for you to use that particular platform. If you previously gained Runespan points, you can talk to Wizard Finix in Runespan to receive 10 of each rune you can siphon at the cost of a small number of points.

However, if you are planning on hunting nodes and yellow wizards, it is advised to gather around 50 of each rune. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into Runespan points, which can be spent on rewards.


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