Now they can be moved around, as if they were one single node. This is covered briefly in the manual. For versions below 0. But it's hard to be precise with it.
In the status bar, you will see the distance and angle measurement. Then press Esc or right-click to cancel. The angle is measured by default from 3 o'clock origin counterclockwise the mathematical convention , but in Preferences you can switch this to using compass-like measurement from 12 o'clock, clockwise.
Until the Measurement tool is available, after noting the measurement, you can either Undo, or just delete the text. Here is info on the Measure Path extension. By mouse: With the Node tool engaged press the "Show transformation handles for selected nodes" button , on the Node tool control bar, then select the nodes you need. Now you can transform the selected nodes in the same way as the Selection tool transforms objects.
By keyboard: Select the nodes you need. Nodes will be transformed, as if they were an "object", either around the center of that node group, or around the node over which your mouse cursor hovers. Press the Alt key, with either method, for incremental movement. Also, you can press H or V key, to flip the selected nodes horizontally or vertically.
Probably the simplest way, is to use whatever input method is provided by your operating system. For more info, please see the Creating Text chapter, in the manual. There are a couple of extensions which allow the use of LaTeX formulas.
One of them can be found in the Render submenu of the Extensions menu, another one, for example, is texTex. Or they can also be found in the Extensions Repository.
More info here and in the manual. Please find info in the manual. It's not possible to bend a linear or radial gradient. But there are several techniques to "fake it":. Happily, the Gradient Mesh tool was added to Inkscape in version 0. Look for this icon in the main toolbox. There are two types of meshes, rectangular and conical.
Here is some brief info on how to use it as of this writing, the manual doesn't yet cover gradient meshes, but support can be found on mailing lists, IRC and forums.
Please see this section , of the Tiling chapter of the Inkscape manual. There are generally 2 ways to convert a raster image to vector -- 'manual' tracing and automatic tracing.
Typically, and unlike some Inkscape features, it takes some practice to become proficient with this feature. Details in the manual , as well as in this short tutorial. And there are some other vector trace engines around the internet. They have different features, with various advantages and disadvantages.
Best advice is experiment, to learn which one best meet your needs. Initially you need to find out where ps2pdf is on your machine or install it.
If it is not installed you may find a current release of Ghostscript for Windows on their download page here. You'll need to delete the old directories and adjust the Environment Variable paths if you want to make use of the newly installed version with the new directory and paths. To open some file types Adobe Illustrator 8. Inkscape versions before 0. This means that, when trying to open or export into the above mentioned file formats, you will get an error message like this: "You need to install the UniConvertor software ImportError: Module use of python You can fix this by downloading the standalone version of UniConvertor for Windows and installing it.
This will overwrite the two files in that directory that do no longer work on Windows and will allow you to use the im- and export functionality of UniConvertor with Inkscape versions from Inkscape 0.
If you've found a new Inkscape extension or palette, document template, symbol set, icon set, etc. The directory where the downloaded files need to be pasted is slightly different, depending on your operating system.
When you browse to that place, using your file manager, it may be that the folder is not visible to you, because it is hidden. Inside the preferences directory, you will see several folders, such as 'extensions', 'palettes', 'templates', etc. Sometimes, the folder you need isn't there. If that's the case, you can just create it. Please see this info in the manual.
If you need to reset your user preferences, first you need to find your preferences. Now go to your file manager such as Windows Explorer for Windows operating systems and follow that path to find preferences. Note that for Windows, AppData is part of that file path. And sometimes you might find AppData is hidden. You can consult Windows documentation for instructions how to unhide all hidden files and folders.
Or you can paste that path into Windows Explorer, to open just that folder, for just this reason and all the other hidden folders remain hidden. It might not look like there's any place to paste that path, in Windows Explorer, but it's the first row under the titlebar. Just click there, and you will see that you can paste it in.
If you are resetting your prefs just because you want to, or maybe as part of a clean installation, then just delete that file. The next time you start Inkscape, a new one, with all the default settings will be automatically created. If you are resetting your prefs as a troubleshooting step, and you don't necessarily want to lose all your carefully set options, then rename that file maybe to something like preferences-old. The next time you start Inkscape, a new preferences.
If that solves your problem, then you'll have to find some way to figure out which option was causing your problem. If it doesn't solve your problem, then you can delete the newly created preferences. Inkscape currently does not support color management for file export. Developers have begun to discuss the best ways to do this, including potentially with crowdfunding or donations, but actual work has not started yet.
Meanwhile, there are a couple of other options available:. There also is some info in the manual. Using the command line interface on Windows has certain limitations and specific requirements. As of the 0. The start menu shortcut points to inkscape. This is actually a windows executable, that calls inkscape.
If you type "inkscape. If you are using an older version of Inkscape, or just wish for historical context, see this mailing list thread. If you've tried your best but are totally stuck, or just want to discuss some broader topics with other Inkscape users, there are several bulletin board style forums, in several different languages, on the internet. These are listed on the Community page of the Inkscape website. Launchpad Answers is also a good place to ask for help, because sometimes a developer will be available to answer your question.
The Inkscape-user mailing list is another good place to ask for help, if you're willing to deal with all the email generated by mailing lists. As the project advances towards the release of version 1. Head here to download the alpha. For Linux users, there is a new AppImage available, thanks to probono!
Inkscape is switching bug trackers. For new bugs, the project is going to use Gitlab's bug tracker. Most of the project's bug reports are currently still hosted on launchpad , though. When you find an issue with the Alpha version, please check to see whether or not it has been reported on launchpad! The Radius Randomize effect has a new parameter which enables normal distribution of random displacements instead of uniform as before, which gives a more natural feel to the randomized path.
Now you can specify different angle values for turning left and right, which makes it possible to smoothly bend some L-systems sideways. Also, you can separately randomize the step length and the angles by a given percent for more natural look this works especially well with plant-like branching shapes. This effect can be used to create Penrose tiling, Sierpinsky triangle, Dragon curve and other famous mathematical artefacts, as well as various meanders, friezes, patterns, and trees.
Some examples can be seen on this screenshot: inkscape. The Interpolate Path , Random Tree , and L-system effects are fixed to place their result on the current layer instead of document root and in the center of the last-saved document view instead of 0,0 as before. INX files now have the ability to hold more information. This includes tooltips and descriptions of the extensions. These are all also translatable. Thanks to keyboard configurability, it is now possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to those effects you use most often, so you can activate them without going into the menu.
Formats Inkscape's PDF export is now native i. This replaced the old export extension that required Ghostscript and worked via Postscript, losing any transparency. The new PDF export is still immature; in particular it does not handle text, so you should check "Convert text to path" on the export options dialog. Other things not yet supported include: gradients on stroke; eccentric elliptic gradients; patterns, masks, and clipping paths; embedded images.
This save option collects the svg file and all linked images into a zip archive for distribution. Although you cannot open the resulting archive directly with inkscape, the media is linked such that after unzipping you can open the SVG file immediately.
An output format for desktop cutting plotters , such as the Wishblade and Craftrobo, was added. This format is a very minimalist DXF file with appropriate scaling and translation applied. This output format should not be expected to operate as a generalized DXF output. This requires that the fig2dev command transfig is in your PATH.
Starting with this version, there is a limited ability to export Inkscape drawing shapes as Open Document Format drawings. Currently the export is limited to text, shapes, and solid fill and strokes.
This output will be improved in the coming months. The new XCF output extension exports all top-level elements i. GIMP 2. A version of Inkscape 0. Does not function in Windows yet. This works the same as simple drag in Zoom tool, but is faster because it does not require switching away from your current tool. For example, an elliptic gradient with blue center and red periphery becomes red in the center and blue in the periphery.
This works on the gradient s of the currently selected gradient handle or, if no handle is selected, on all selected objects' gradients. This is especially convenient for elliptic gradients which, unlike linear, you cannot simply rotate by degrees for the same result. This allows you to add your own templates on top of the list of standard templates, as well as override the default template with your own one the default.
When toggling one of the "transform with object" buttons for stroke width, rounded rectangle corners, gradients, or patterns , a message is displayed in the statusbar explaining what has changed in the program's behavior. Hopefully this will reduce the number of complaints from users who had accidentally toggled one of these and were surprised by the result. Whole thousands above in the rulers are now displayed as 2k, 3k, 4k etc.
The installation default is now to scale the rounded rectangle corners with the rectangles themselves the previous default mode, still available as an option, was to keep rounding radii unchanged when scaling rectangles.
Added a new --export-area-canvas command line parameter that causes the exported PNG to contain the full canvas. This option as well as --export-area-drawing and --export-area can now be used along with --export-id and --export-id-only for greater flexibility.
The new behavior makes more sense for scripting use of Inkscape. The dpi value in the Export dialog has had its range extended; now possible values are from 0. Individual strings within or between tspans are still not selectable, and they cannot have an ID for querying anyway. The placeholder image which is shown when a bitmap file was no longer accessible reads now " Linked image not found " instead of the confusing "Broken image". Cloning multiple selected objects now works as expected i.
Previously you could only clone a single selected object. The separate "license" and "contributors" dialogs have been merged into tabs on the About dialog.
The about dialog now correctly sizes itself to fit the size of the splash SVG while remaining resizable , and the rendering area is now cropped to the correct aspect ratio when the dialog is resized. The dialog also now displays the build information in the upper right corner. The scale ratio lock button on the Selector controls bar shows a closed lock when pressed and open lock otherwise same as the layer lock in the statusbar.
The Browse button on Export dialog now opens the new file chooser, same as those used by Open and Save. Miscellaneous bugfixes Reading a document with an incorrect namespace URI not only did not cause Inkscape to complain, but could also "pollute" Inkscape's internal namespace table, resulting in an "infection" of subsequently saved documents by the incorrect namespace.
This is now fixed, but as a result, documents with incorrect namespace URIs will no longer load. You will have to edit them in a text editor to fix the namespaces. With newer versions of GTK, dragging with graphics tablet pen did not work in some tools and contexts in particular, in Node and Rectangle tools. This is fixed. Scaling of objects with stroke in Selector used to cause undesired shifts of the scaled object, as well as scaling it in the dimension which was intended to remain untouched e.
All these problems are now fixed, both for interactive scaling by mouse and for numeric scaling via the Controls bar, and for both values of the "Scale stroke with objects" option.
Among other things, this means that stroked objects no longer lose snapping on scale, and that the "Default scale origin" option in the Selector tool preferences finally works as designed.
Caveat: There may still be problems if you scale a selection that contains objects with different stroke widths. Scaling of stroke now works for objects that didn't specify stroke-width; before, they always ended up with the default 1px stroke. The bounding box for text and flowed text objects did not include stroke width. This has been fixed. Stroke miterlimit on text objects was misinterpreted in absolute units instead of multiplies of stroke width resulting in miter joins rendered as bevel.
The unfinished path in Pen tool is now cancelled, not finalized, when you switch away from the Pen tool. Apart from being more intuitively correct, this also fixes a crash when you quit Inkscape with the unfinished path in Pen tool.
Fonts on Win32 now use the native font mapper, meaning that Inkscape's font list is the same as other Windows programs, and the potentially very long delay experienced when using fonts for the first time in each session is gone.
An error caused a complete extra screen redraw after each zoom operation. Gradient rendering was off by one pixel, which often resulted in visibly wrong gradient rendering for small objects or in zoom-out. The SVG path parser could not handle fractional numbers with the initial dot. Several pattern rendering bugs are fixed, discovered by working with SVG files exported from Adobe Illustrator. Inkscape no longer crashes when presented with a defective inx file for extensions. More document memory is now freed when documents are closed.
There was a regression in 0. This regression has been fixed. The connector routing code would previously sometimes confuse objects between multiple documents resulting in strange routing behaviour. There existed a bug in 0. This should be fixed, although the fix has not been widely tested. This was the result of a mistake in handling GDK modifier flags, and has been fixed. Translations INX files containing the UI of the external effects now allow the user visible strings to be translated. This means that effect dialogs, file type selections, and extension names can all be translated by translators.
Additionally, 21 more languages have some level of translation. Some new translations of tutorials have been brought by contributors: Czech, Portuguese Brazilian and Russian. Another, possibly better, solution is to "Trace" the bitmap images so they become vector images. Inkscape does embed traced images by default, as they are now vector images.
To do this, follow the instructions on tracing an image here or here. This is a problem with whatever you use to view these PNG files, not with Inkscape. Use, for example, Firefox to view your PNGs. If you want to open the exported PNG bitmaps in MS-Word, you will also have to change the alpha-opacity in document-properties dialog to full, and then export — the result will be much better.
That's a known problem of our renderer as well as many other renderers, for example Xara's. Antialiased display sometimes results in not-fully-opaque pixels along the boundary of two objects even if there's absolutely no gap between them. There are several ways to avoid this problem.
If your boundary is horizontal or vertical, you can suppress antialiasing by pixel-snapping see next question. Often, you can just union the two shapes so they become one and the seam disappears.
If this is not possible, just add a small overlap to the abutting shapes. If this isn't possible either for example, due to transparency of these objects , sometimes blurring can help: in Inkscape 0. With the current renderer, it is not possible to completely get rid of antialiasing. However, it is possible to partially suppress it on export. Usually, antialiasing is unwelcome in horizontal and vertical lines which become "blurred".
Then, export bitmap at the default 90dpi so that 1 px unit corresponds to 1 bitmap pixel. In the resulting bitmap, snapped color boundaries will be perfectly crisp. Yes, Inkscape has a powerful command line interface and can be used in scripts for a variety of tasks, such as exporting and format conversions.
Using command line interface on Windows has certain limitations and specifics. Yes, you can change it by following the Customizing Inkscape page. The Inkscape-user mailing list is also an excellent place to ask for help, although it may be harder and take longer to get a question answered than through the Answers site. Sometimes people join IRC thinking they can get a quick answer, however, this can be very hit-and-miss, as generally whoever is active on IRC at the moment probably doesn't know the right answer for you.
Also, your question may result in distracting other conversations. Generally, IRC is best used only if you specifically need to ask a particular person an Inkscape question. Many people wonder why questions asked on the Inkscape IRC channel generally do not receive an answer. There are several reasons for this.
Second, you may have asked the question wrong. A common error people make on IRC is to say something like, "Can someone answer a question?
Most people won't respond to this, because they have no idea what they'll be asked, and they may not know. For instance, your question may have to do with Windows, whereas they only know Linux. Instead, just ask the question. If someone has relevant advice, they'll see your question and give it. Third, you may not have waited long enough for an answer. It's very, very common for someone to join IRC, ask a question, wait a few minutes, log out when no answer appears, and then a few seconds later someone submits the answer.
Be patient; it could take as much as 30 min for someone to see and respond to your question. In Windows XP, there might be a problem where the cursor is at a different location than where the drawing ends up.
Their position relative to each other varies. When the cursor is at the very center of the image, the lines might end up far out in the periphery.
The problem appears both in Version 0. There is yet no solution to this problem, and one simply has to find another software than Inkscape. The extensions mechanism allows you to use external programs and scripts written in any language to augment Inkscape's capabilities. The tricky part is satisfying all of the dependencies of the external programs.
For help regarding opening special file formats though extensions check GettingExtensionsWorking. Inkscape assumes a 1-to-1 relation at 90dpi, so any imported image with a different resolution will appear to be scaled. Note that this just scales the pixels of the image, but never adds or removes any pixels. When exporting back to a PNG image, changing the resolution will only resample the image, not resize it.
The only way to keep the image at the same size is to scale it inside Inkscape, once it is imported. For this you need to know the size in pixels, cm, inches, Then select it and in the selector's toolbar, click the lock between the width and height fields, select the unit of the image size and enter either the width or height in the appropriate field. When exporting, if you don't want to lose information from your image, use a resolution larger or equal to the resolution of the original image.
It will appear to be pixels wide and pixels high in Inkscape. Select it, click the lock in the selector's toolbar, enter in the width field.
Add some stuff on the image. Export the document to PNG with resolution dpi. The exported image will be identical to the original one except for the stuff you added on it. The fill rules for the paths might be incorrectly set to fill in overlaps. Otherwise, the two paths have the same path directions, even though they should be opposite. Read more about the fill rule. As of the 0. The start menu shortcut points to inkscape. The file inkscape.
If you call inkscape. If you are using an older version of Inkscape, or just wish for historical context, see this mailing list thread. It doesn't care if you have a program already associated with SVG. To revert to having Inkscape open your SVG files do the following:.
From version 0. The option is "mapalt" under group "options" and has a numerical value. This value equates to the modifier key that is mapped to Alt, 1 indicates Alt, ie, no mapping. The value you need to use depends on the setup of your particular keyboard and may be 2, 3, 4, or 5. The program xkeycaps available from www. The value associated with a particular key is shown in that program at the top of the screen beside the word "Modifiers" when the mouse is held over a key on the main display.
Note that this setting makes the new key an alias for Alt in every keyboard shortcut, not just those concerned with the mouse. Please read Xfce 4 Window Manager documentation — The documentation is currently out of date for the 4.
You are presented with three options to move windows around: "Alt", "Ctrl" or "Super" Windows logo key. Choose "Super". Beginning from version 1. If you have not already done so, create a local copy of the IceWM system preferences file. Your mileage may vary. Read more details. If you are using the 0. It requires a restart to take effect. Here are the instructions for older versions:. This was a bug in versions of Inkscape up to 0. This cache is stored in the file called.
Use file search by name to locate this file. Then simply delete this file and restart Inkscape; now it will see the new fonts. If you are using 0. Some fonts are available with in an unique, "normal" variant, i. Italics is correctly faked by inclining the font, but bolding cannot be faked at this point. Since the font file does not have a Bold variant, the result would likely be of poor quality, anyway. You should rather consider using a font with a real Bold variant.
On Windows XP this can be turned off in a following way requires administration rights :. The procedure is obtained from the How-To Geek site. Please note that this is Windows system-wide setting, and it affects other programs as well.
On Windows the steps may vary a bit. Last 6 steps steps are important, since steps do not turn off the system beep in Inkscape but may turn it off somewhere else. If you find yourself unable to use Inkscape functions that require the alt key i.