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That's it. Flushing tampons is a money issue, too. According to the National Association of Clean Water Agencies' "Toilets Are Not Trashcans" campaign , when flushed, products like wipes, paper towels, and, yes, feminine hygiene products "[cause] problems for utilities that amount to billions of dollars in maintenance and repair costs.
Cerro-Reehil adds, "large municipalities across the nation have to spend millions of dollars every year to remove debris that is flushed. Take your tampon, wrap it, then trash it right in there. Do it with the tippy-top of your finger, if you have to because, let's be honest, that tiny trash can is kinda gross.
If you don't think you can stop flushing those tampons or, if you want to add even less waste to the environment , you've got a few other options like period panties Thinx makes some or a menstrual cup. Either way, you've gotta stop flushing your used tampons down the toilet—if not for your sake, for the sake of those who don't want to deal with an effed-up sewer system or damaged clean water sources in the years to come.
Weight Loss. United States. Why does this matter? Tampons go inside your body. Tampax Tampon Truths Can you flush tampons down the toilet? So, how should you dispose of tampons? The final verdict? Tampon recycling — what you can and cannot recycle Most local authorities collect paper and cardboard materials, so you can dispose of Tampax cardboard packaging in recycling bins that have been provided.
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